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This page is intended as a backup / mirror of the site and the changes that may occur over time. If you see something changed, please log the details with a date.

July 21, 2009

Various film websites receive a package containing two tokens for Flynn's Arcade and a flash drive. The drives contain one of five different animated .gif files, each displaying a snippet of CSS code. When the information from the pictures is compiled and decoded, the phrase "FLYNN LIVES" appears, leading to


Genius, Visionary, Modern Hero.
That is Kevin Flynn.
He came into our lives and showed us the limitless possibilities of the future. And then, all of a sudden, he "disappeared."
Some people believed he died. We don't. We know that Kevin Flynn Lives.
We're not crazy, we're not obssessed, we're not lunatics. We simply have followed the facts wherever they lead. And the facts tell us that Kevin Flynn Lives.
We are here for Kevin. Nobody can make us stop believing that he is out there, that he's waiting for us, and that he will return when the time is right.


  • Who Is The... Most Amazing?
  • Game Over
  • Dead or In Love?
  • Diversification Trumps Innovation at EnCom
  • Will EnCom Weather the Financial Storm?


1989 -- Kevin Flynn alleged to "disappear." Initial facts raise many questions. Many of us were suspicious.

1990 -- Sightings of Kevin Flynn by ordinary citizens, including high-credibility "Level 3" sightings of Flynn in NYC's Central Park during a Shakespeare Festival, on the fringes of a San Francisco street fair, and the notorious "Elvira" sighting of Kevin Flynn at Halloween celebrations in West Hollywood, California. Unfortunately, these initial sightings display certain characteristics true to this day -- nothing has been confirmed and photographic evidence has been lacking.

1992 -- Sightings continue. Several of us make contact thru Usenet and begin correspondence.

1994 -- First Flynn Lives! meet-up in Dayton, Ohio. We resolve to continue our efforts to find out the facts behind the mysterious disappearance.

1998 -- Letter from Kevin Flynn to a founding member of the group gains media attention, then debunked. Founding member (now ex-member) checks into a mental hospital for observations.

2001 -- A $5,000 award is offered to anybody who can prove Kevin Flynn is alive. By December 31st, alas, nobody had satisfied our jury and the money was spent on a great party for all of the "Troniacs" we know and love!

2002 - 2005 An era of low visibility for our group. Sightings drop off, and interest seems to slacken. Thank heavens that is over!

2007 - Interest picks up as the "Albino Cow" Flynn sighting in southern New Jersey energizes a new generation of activists.

Media Articles

Who Is The...Most Amazing?
JUNE 1993

The eternal question among a certain class of gamers and geeks is, "Who was the most brilliant computer visionary ever?" Was it Steve Wozniak? Steve Jobs? Bill Gates? Kevin Flynn? We have compiled this timeline of essential facts to be considered when the middle of this eternal debate.

  • 1970: Intel launches the first microprocessor, the 4004--with 2250 transistors!
  • 1971: The first arcade game, "Computer Space", is created by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney
  • 1971: Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Traf-O-Data to sell computerized traffic-analysis systems.
  • 1972: The Odyssey is released by Magnavox, the first home video game console
  • 1975: First shipment of the Altair 8800, one of the first PCs. Comes complete with 1 (one) kilobyte of memory!
  • 1975: Bill Gates and Paul Allen create BASIC for the Altair 8800, the first computer language for PCs.
  • 1976: Steve Wozniak creates first Apple, the Apple I. Apple is founded.
  • 1977: Atari game system is launched, becomes huge success.
  • 1978: Ward Christiansen and Randy Seuss create the first significant microcomputer bulletin board in Chicago.
  • 1978: First "trackball" controller released for Atari's arcade game Football.
  • 1978: Midway releases huge hit "Space Invaders", which is also the first arcade game to keep track of high scorers.
  • 1979: John Shoch and Jon Hupp create first "Worm", a small program that searches networks.
  • 1980: ENCOM brings their first mainframe online, a significant breakthrough in processing power and chip-to-chip communication.
  • 1980: Kevin Flynn gets his doctorate from CalTech and joins ENCOM. He rockets up the ranks and becomes a lead software designer.
  • 1981: Kevin Flynn's cult status among gamers grows as he buys Flynn's Arcade and fills it with the games he created for ENCOM--Space Paranoids, Matrix Blaster, Vice Squad, Light Cycles.
  • 1981: Led by Kevin Flynn's incredible work, ENCOM's profits soar.
  • 1981: Kevin Flynn is fired from ENCOM after dispute with CEO Ed Dillinger over credit for his work.
  • 1981: Nintendo releases Donkey Kong arcade game, a huge hit.
  • 1981: Microsoft releases MS-DOS
  • 1983: Kevin Flynn rehired by ENCOM, becomes VP of Creative Development. Leads ENCOM to enormous success as the largest video game company in the world.
  • 1984: Activision releases Pitfall, which is seen as the most significant non-ENCOM game of its time.
  • 1985: Kevin Flynn retires from ENCOM to create "a digital frontier that will reshape the human condition."
  • 1985: Steve Jobs resigns from Apple, forms Next Software
  • 1986: Steve Jobs founds Pixar.
  • 1989: Kevin Flynn disappears. Since then, ENCOM has grown to become the largest computer technology company in the world, but its creative heart is missing.
Game Over
By Thadius Gnorf
February 18, 1990

I must admit, I spent a good deal of my youth (not to mention a few hundred dollars in quarters) at video arcades. I played everything - from shoot'em up games to saving that princess from a fire-breathing dragon - and I loved each and every one. This was back in the days before every kid in America owned a home system; when you actually had to walk to the arcade and jostle for time on your favorite machine.

And my favorite machine, you ask? That's a no-brainer: "TRON."

The thrill of the chase, the strategy of outmanuevering your foe, the agony of an eventual collision - my 10-year old heart could barely withstand the excitement as I weaved and edged my bike around the glowing, magical screen. I set records in my hometown that would endure for years to follow. I was a hero.

But I was nothing compared to the creator of "TRON" - Kevin Flynn.

To us gamers, he was a god. Smart, sophisticated, rich - he was the guy we all wanted to be... and now he's gone. Did our adoration drive him away? Where has our hero gone?

Without Flynn, we may never know what the future of video game technology holds in store. He put arcades on the map and kept them filled with action, excitement, and millions of fans, eager for chance to play just one more time.

But has that time run out? Will we ever see another Kevin Flynn creation? And what madman could be responsible for his untimely disappearence? The gaming world demands answers... and more importantly, we demand our hero back, safe and sound.
Dead or In Love?
Diversification Trumps Innovation at EnCom
Will EnCom Weather the Financial Storm?

July 25, 2009

After the SDCC 2009 event finished, an update appeared on the site, along with a link to register for updates.


335 6th Ave., 92101
Thursday's meet-up was an enormous success!!
Thanks to everyone who came to support our continued efforts to find out what happened to Kevin Flynn.

We need everyone's help to find out the truth behind Kevin Flynn's disappearance. As leads roll in, we will be sharing our findings here on Flynn Lives. If you'd like to join our efforts, please sign up and we will update you with any developments.

February 24, 2010

The main page changes to a mirror of ZeroHour's content; the content originally there is now accessable from After the countdown's end, the latter webpage changed to an updated version of the original, featuring profiles for applicants (including sign-ups for receiving mailings and phone calls from Flynn Lives) and a video summarizing the SDCC 2009 event.
