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[edit] Timeline, Story so far


Brief overview of events to date:

[edit] Phase 1: Flynn Lives! (July 2009)

[edit] July 21, 2009

Several movie-related websites posted they had received via mail a pair of Flynn's Arcade golden coins along with a flash drive. Its content was an animated gif image that showed CSS code lines. Four of them were put together and part of the code was cracked, revealing the url to Flynnlives.com. Clicking on a tiny spider in the lower section of the main page led to a countdown clock that hit zero on July 23, 2009, 9:30pm PDT.

  • Homeoftron.com is found after the phrase appeared on the back of the arcade tokens.

[edit] July 23, 2009

Flynn's Arcade was re-opened at a location shown after a scavenger hunt at the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con, with several Space Paranoids arcade machines and a variety of '80s video games. Entering secret codes found after beating each Space Paranoids game would eventually reveal a desktop background of the new lightcycle, as well as the new high quality teaser trailer(see Derez) for Tron Legacy. People at the arcade were shortly treated to a full-size lightcycle on display from the new movie. (This lightcycle also went on display tours to numerous entertainment events around the continent)

[edit] Phase 2: Operation: Tron! (February-April 2010)

[edit] February 15, 2010

Boxes were sent out to participants through the mail - each contained one of three Bits (blue/neutral, yellow/yes, or red/no) and had "/zerohour" written on the inside lid. Going to Flynnlives.com/Zerohour revealed a binary countdown to 11:00am EST (4:00pm GMT) on February 24. On February 18, a message began to slowly form beneath the countdown clock, listing 27 of city names around the globe.

[edit] February 24, 2010: Zero Hour

The countdown ends, and the website is updated with a grid and a list accompanying the 27 city names. A scavenger hunt begins in 27 cities to find Tron wallets filled with arcade tokens, papers and collector's cards. Times and places are revealed 3 at a time for 9 hours, and the first arrivers to each location receive a phone from the contact, from which they're given information on where to pick up the aforementioned package. When codes printed on the cards are entered into ZeroHour, the corresponding image appears in the grid, and clicking on the picture of the card causes it to turn over to reveal a piece of a larger poster. Once all 27 locations have their instructions and all codes are entered, the No bit below the grid became Yes, and clicking it led to Pitcell.com, with information about exclusive, limited IMAX screenings in 5 cities. Ticket are distributed on a first come first served basis, beginning at 4:00pm EST from Pitcell.com.

  • Additionally, once the entire poster is revealed, an icon in the lower right next to the Yes Bit begins blinking in a repeating pattern. Converting the dots from binary values indicates which cards to flip in a particular order - in doing so, the location of a secret forum is revealed. Posts on the forum mention Encom International, and going to Encominternational.com brings up the company's website.
  • Flynnlives.com receives a new look to match ZeroHour's more Tron-like theme. Players can now register for profiles on the site, which allow for registering for mailings and phone calls and the ability to earn "achievements" for their accomplishments. A video summarizing the SDCC 2009 event is also added.

[edit] February 25, 2010

  • Tickets for the screenings are released on Pitcell.com.

[edit] February 27, 2010

Screenings at IMAXs occurred. The theatres showed the new full trailer of Tron: Legacy, running about 2:30 in length. After the screening participants, were given Flynn Lives t-shirts.

[edit] March 8, 2010

Flynnlives.com and the FlynnLives fan page on facebook post a video wrap-up of the ZeroHour event (video link), and it's quickly noticed that codes quickly flash occasionally in the corner. Putting them together leads to 5xrp2tk0p10ixnl7ga4e82an3s.net. The puzzle is solved leading to a new website: http://www.program-glitch-esc.net, where the Pitcell Trailer is hosted for the public.

[edit] March 10, 2010: Infiltrate Encom

Flynnlives.com is updated, including three new threads in the Flynnlives.com's message boards. One included a link to a new video game quiz hosted at ArcadeAid.com. Completing the quiz awards users with up to four badges, including completion of an Encom membership badge to be shipped by mail.

[edit] March 17, 2010

The first Encom badges begin arriving. The badge includes a QR Code that refers to the Encom Intranet at http://www.encominternational.com/employeeintranet.

  • Login consists of the Employee ID number and FlynnLives.com profile password

[edit] March 24, 2010

Following a press release and video interview with IGN (link), Alan Bradley is scheduled to appear in San Francisco at 8pm on April 2nd at Justin Herman Plaza to announce a major new product from Encom International.

  • A new thread on the Flynn Lives message boards lead to Arcadeaid.com/Cheatcode, a program that decodes the intranet login information for existing Encom employees. Using this, five new logins are discovered, including those of Alan Bradley and Encom CEO Kurt Hardington. An email in Hardington's inbox links to a remote access version of his computer desktop.

[edit] March 30, 2010

New threads are posted on the Flynn Lives message boards, clarifying some details of the Encom press event. While there will be a VIP section for Encom employees (ie: players with badges), the event will be open to the general public. Also, there will be a Flynn Lives meetup that day at the Hyatt Regency grand ballroom from 6:15-7:45 pm, immediately preceding the press conference.

  • New emails are added to Encom Intranet accounts. Kurt Hardington's inbox contains a link to an uncut version of IGN's interview with Alan Bradley, which features more information about Kevin Flynn.

[edit] April 1, 2010

Operation Tron, a Flynn Lives site promoting the San Francisco events, is found through the Flynnlives.com home page.

[edit] April 2, 2010: San Francisco Events

The Encom Press Event was a success (for the FLO) - supporters gathered before Alan's announcement to brief on instructions for infiltrating the stage, and after heading to Encom's event Alan opened up (with an appearance by Lora) and announced the upcoming release of Space Paranoids Online. The speech was interrupted by the FLO in support of Kevin Flynn and a parachutist who was soon to be discovered as Sam Flynn himself.

[edit] April 8, 2010

The Flynn Lives message boards and Group 7 Encom Intranet accounts are updated with information about the fallout from the press conference and Sam Flynn's stunts. After discovering the executive level intranet accounts were compromised, Encom has shut them down; their content been mirrored at Flynnlives.com (link).

[edit] Phase 3: Space Paranoids (April-May 2009)

[edit] April 15, 2010

The Encom front page site is updated with information regarding the upcoming Space Paranoids online game. Trailer can be viewed online (link)

[edit] April 28, 2010: Sam Tracker

Flynnlives.com/Samtracker is added to the Flynn Lives site. The site asks for players to find Sam Flynn's current location and enter it into an input box on the page.

  • A newspaper article on the Flynn Lives forums discusses Sam's graduation from Wellminster Academy, leading to the school's website. Entering his name into the student search feature brings up his school records.
  • One of the records mentions that Sam worked with Amazon Capoeira, a martial arts school in Brazil. Their website says that the group is based in the town of Rio Fiamente and has Sam pictured as one of the fighters.
  • Entering "Rio Fiamente" into the Sam Tracker page confirms that Sam is at the Amazon Capoeira and brings up a link to Unlocksamflynn.com. The goal is to now find the combination to Sam's locker and open it.
  • In addition to the new sites, the Encom Intranet has been updated with more emails and Group 7 updates. One of them talks about the McClaskey Airstrip; its website links to Perfect Parachutes, who made Sam's 89 parachute.
  • Calling the phone number on the Perfect Parachutes yields a voice mail mentioning Dumont Shipping, a subsidiary of Encom. Entering their shipping page (by logging in with an Encom badge ID), one order in particular stands out: a shipment to Brazil the day after the press conference, referring the code #273824.
  • Use 27-38-24 as the combination to open Sam's locker. Inside the locker are various personal effects: a camcorder featuring a video message from Sam to Flynn Lives, an MP3 player loaded with Daft Punk songs (Daft Punk is composing the Tron Legacy score), and a copy of Kevin Flynn's book Digital Gaming. Various passages are underlined in the book; they spell out encominternational.com/spaceparanoidsonline, a countdown to the release of the new Encom game.

[edit] May 1, 2010

Players who took part in the Sam Tracker trail by entering Sam's location into the website begin receiving a package from Flynn Lives. It contains a note thanking the player for helping to find Sam, two 89 logo stickers, an 89 logo pin and a Space Paranoids pin. If the player got the Overkill badge by destroying 999 Recognizers on the Space Paranoids countdown page, an additional note is included congratulating them on their achievement.

[edit] May 6, 2010: Space Paranoids Online

[edit] May 13, 2010: Laying Low

A news post on the Flynn Lives home page reveals that the group is going underground to plan their next move against Encom, and will not be communicating with players for the next few weeks. In addition, Arcade Aid is no longer accepting requests for new Encom badges, and the Encom Intranet is shut down for all Group 7 users.

[edit] Phase 4: ComiTRON

Preparation for events to take place in and around San Diego Comic Con and online

[edit] June 30, 2010

Encom postcards depicting classic video games released by Encom begin arriving at people's homes. On their backs is a dark box that when viewed under a UV light reveal dots that appear to be unique to the game depicted on the postcard. Four postcards, four video games, were reported initially. More are expected to be received.

[edit] July 12, 2010

Overlaying every box that is trigger by a UV light shows partially a website link that lead to Encomgames.jp

[edit] July 13, 2010

The official Tron: Legacy twitter feed (link) starts begins referring to upcoming activities at the San Diego Comic-Con and online.

[edit] July 14, 2010

Flynn Lives members who have completed all 32 levels of Circuit Cycles begin to receive all 7 Encom postcards. The six previously sent out and a new Circuit Cycles postcard.

[edit] July 22, 2010

  • The countdown at Identityraid ended, revealing two links - a flickr photo set, and a fax/email inbox.
    • An email contained a logic puzzle and a piece of what appeared to be Java source code.
    • The Flickr images, when combined, reveal hidden images and the combination code used to solve the identity raid puzzle.
    • Rewards included a badge and a new TRON: Legacy trailer.

[edit] Phase 5: ENDGAME

[edit] October 8, 2010

On Oct. 8, 2010 after a period of silence, a puzzle was posted on the FlynnLives facebook page and Twitter. Players quickly deciphered the files to reveal a new website - TronNight2010.com. A sneak preview of Tron Legacy in IMAX 3D will be shown Oct. 28. Free tickets for the event became available on the site at 1:00pm Eastern Time, Tuesday Oct. 12th, for locations in North America and worldwide.

[edit] October 22, 2010

  • Flynnlives.com updated their website with information regarding Kevin Flynn's disappearance and stating "Tell your friends, tell your neighbors and tell the greater TRON community: the End of Line Club was just the beginning..."
  • Arcadeaid.com is updated with an extended game quiz map, now having 167 games to unlock. Three badges are rewarded. One at 89, 125, and 167, along with the promise of a reward in the mail.

[edit] October 28, 2010

  • Tron Night 2010 takes place around the globe, presenting fans with another exclusive sneak peak at Tron: Legacy, in the form of 23 minutes from the movie, with additional "never-before-seen footage".
  • Some locations (eg, L.A.) offered a Q&A with creators, interviews, autographs, and more.
  • Most preview locations provided TronNight exclusive posters and promo cards. One promo card was advertising an ASUS laptop, which led to a web-based flyer on Encom's website (direct link)

[edit] November 17, 2010: Memory.capture

  • Flynnlives.com was updated with a news item detailing they mailed reward posters for the first 999 people who completed The Challenging Stage V.2. The post included an image not found in the game or poster, which led to arcadeaid.com/bonuslevel - a new puzzle incorporating the ArcadeAid QuizPoster, leading to discovery of Poptech75, FlynnFrontier and HydeckerDesigns.
  • Within the three sites, codes were located to be entered at HelloFlynn offering more backstory prior to his disappearance.
  • Between the information found on the three websites and the media unlocked at Hello Flynn, more was discovered about Kevin's wife Jordan and her past. One video was a glimpse into the Flynn household, the family playing at the beach, foreshadowing things to come (this video in negative appears in the film). Entering the final HelloFlynn code awarded players another badge.

[edit] December 1, 2010: Digital Pulse

  • A news post on FlynnLives.com and discussion at the secret forum led players to a new puzzle trail in two parts - Gygax, a papercraft puzzle; and Epiphany, a scrolling hidden message. Its solution revealed the announcement of a final attempt at locating Kevin Flynn, beginning December 8th.

[edit] December 8, 2010

  • On /digitalpulse, 16 cities were revealed over the course of 8 hours wherein ground operatives were to meet a Dumont Shipping agent and sign for an anonymous package that contained a special copy of Flynn's book The Digital Frontier.
  • Players then had to locate a Flynn Lives operative to decode and supply a special numeric sequence via laptop as a part of the "digital pulse". The successful players were given a Flynn Lives T-shirt and lapel pin as a reward. Once all 16 codes were provided, the synchronized pulse punched a connection through to Flynn's hardware and opened a communication portal that ultimately allowed a page to be sent - the page received by Alan Bradley in the Tron: Legacy film itself.
  • See also reports and media from many of the cities.
  • As a bonus for completion of the trail, the pager light flashed an additional message that led players to Electrify - the announcement of first-come-first-served free screenings of the film in 3D across a number of North American cities on December 13th.

[edit] December 13, 2010

  • Free screenings of Tron: Legacy were available to all who showed up in time to get a seat. On leaving, attendees were given FLYNN LIVES lapel pins.

[edit] Finale: PREMIERE

[edit] December 17, 2010

Tron: Legacy opens for the public with midnight releases.

[edit] Latest
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